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vrijdag 13 januari 2017

Uit andere media

"Whoever controls the media controls the mind" - Jim Morrison

"In the Netherlands, the media, the news over the years also become more of a hatch and part of other large multinationals, only the VPRO and VARA have partial independent journalism. The Netherlands used to be in all a precursor, an example country with many freedoms, social rights, good education, good care, but since neo liberalism and therefrom the arising globalization rules, all the social gains  little by little are stripping the society, creating bigger and bigger gap between rich and poor. Poverty in the Netherlands has increased tremendously, even by 40% since 2011. "

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Uit Americans who tell the thruth. Over wie belang hebben bij een oorlog. De situatie is alleen maar erger geworden.

Major General Smedley Butler relived :